Sunday, January 27, 2013

Critique Groups

The way we, as writers, first knew that we were writers was from the comments of others – first our grade school teachers and later, in high school and college, our peers. I suppose if no one had ever encouraged us, none of us were ever have “become” writers. I think that’s why it’s so hard for me – even after a career of having my non-fiction work edited and worked over – to have my fiction critiqued by other writers. I care about their opinions. Perhaps, even, their opinions could show me that I’ve just been fooling myself: I’m no writer. Critique groups are worth it, though. We write to be read, and it really helps to have readers, knowledgeable readers who have struggled through the process of putting words on paper themselves, tell you what they think. My novel has improved so much from the input of my two critique groups. Thanks, guys!

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious about your critique groups. Does one meet more often than the other.
